13 November, 2017

Booking.com Customer Service phone call 2

Booking.com contacted me once again and this time was in Croatian. I asked the speaker to talk in English for the convenience of recording and sharing. I think Booking.com contacted me about the Funk Hostel declining my reservation and the man also asked me about if I could find a place to stay last night. So, they only asked me if I could stay somewhere else instead of checking where I made the reservation after Funk Hostel. And this guy also asked me about where I stayed last night like the first caller from Singapore. 

What happened so far:
- Chillout Hostel Muslim problem - was it something to do with Al-Quaeda showed up to the bar area? I think that was Muslim women in hijabs. I don't wanna remember now. I think this is how the Homor Simpson type police informant remembers everything. Well, it was something like bar hanging around Muslims on November 9th.
- Chillout Hostel put a post it sticker on my room door with my name on it. The female clerk asked me not to post Muslim information to FB as I always share their information to T.R.A.C.T: and Interpol HQ as the link about the Muslim gang stalkers. Then some people followed me to outside and the same female clerk taunted me of "Are you leaving? Do you still keep your luggage in your room?" and such as if they were trying to steal my stuff for the Islamic revenge to work with their bar-loving Muslim girls. Then 2 police officers came and we talked together. And they asked me if I want to stay longer and I said I wanted to cancel the reservation. It was November 10th, 2017. And the clerk cheated on the refund for 200HRK.
- Party hostel got problem of booking and the location was overbooked. So I was asked to leave after 2 nights of stay instead of 5 nights.
- Funk Hostel declined my booking and sent me an email due to the overbooking. I forwarded it to the local police and anti-human trafficking emails as the evidence. And it was yesterday.
- Today, I received 2 phone calls from Booking.com. And the first one is from Singapore and another one from somewhere else.

I often saw the sudden price raise and no more cheap room (up to 120€ at Prague case in May few years ago) availability happened at the time of searching for the rooms on Booking.com. So, there would be some internal or external booking.com room and price changers existing. But here is the phone call from the actual Booking.com customer service talking to me. I would rather have this kind of communication before at Just In Center Apartments in Budapest where I could not find the actual location in the building and the owner contacting my mobile was just in German for unknown reason. 


ركن كلين said...

افضل شركة تنظيف فى الرياض تقدم لكم افضل خدمة تنظيف للشقق المفروشة، تتميز بوجود عمالة على اعلى مستوى من الخبرة والعمل والامانة.
افضل شركة غسيل موكيت بالرياض
افضل شركات غسيل كنب بالرياض
شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض
شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض
تعتبر أعمال رش الدفان من أهم الأعمال التى يراعى اعطائها أهمية للتخلص من الحشرات الخطيرة(وهى النمل الابيض)حيث تعتمد الشركة على مجموعه من المبيدات الآمنه والفعالة والموثوق فيها
افضل شركات رش دفان بالرياض
مما لا شك فيه أن الطيور جميلة، لكن قد تشكل ضررًا على المباني السكنية، التجارية والصناعيةشركة مكافحة الحمام بالرياض تقوم بمكافحة جميع أنواع الطيور المؤذية الحمام البري، الغراب، النورس والعصافير التي تفرز مخلفاتها على جدران وأسطح المباني وفوق الأسطح الزجاجية والمكيفات، مما يشكل ضررًا على الشكل العام، الصحة العامة و الأسطح. ووفقًا لتعليمات البلدية، تلتزم بست كلر بإستخدام المواد المسموح بها لمكافحة الطيور.
شركة مكافحة فئران بالرياض